Ryan & Jennifer Clark
Ryan & Jennifer Clark are on The Giving Gifts Global Team and committed community members in Little Arabia, Anaheim, CA. Together, we have curated Discover:Surf with the needs and wants specific to the community.
It is always a priority that The Giving Gifts comes alongside communities and individuals in a way that is supportive and inclusive to the very specific needs. We believe that any discovery that is worth having is worth sustaining. Our Global Team is an intricate part of this sustainability!
Why this community?
Ryan & Jennifer are on The Global Team to represent a community that is often over looked.
Little Arabia is a little stretch of OC that has the fastest growing ethnic-community. Many of these families were brought here after leaving their home countries due to war, persecution, or violence.
The Giving Gifts aims to come alongside communities, through our Global Team, to create possibilities for individuals to know that they are incredibly valued, seen, and needed in this world.
Why Youth?
The Giving Gifts believes that all people and all stories are important so why focus on young people?
Young people not only represent the future of this world, they are also the most adaptable, resilient, eager to learn, and open group of people in the universe (I am absolutely a little biased & can provide data if you're that type of human).
The Giving Gifts believes that by allowing young people to look at where they have come, where they are now, and where they can go we are equipping and empowering young people to take ownership over their gifts and impact on their communities.