
The Giving Gifts invests in relationships with developing communities by creating opportunities for sustainable living. Through providing micro-finance options, we encourage those communities to challenge aid-dependent mindsets, take initiative, and become accountable partners committed to growth.


We believe in giving opportunities that will inspire the use of an individual's unique and valuable gifts to create sustainable growth within their communities.


People are central to everything. It is in the uniting of people and their gifts that true and lasting change takes place. This must be displayed in our partnerships, workplace environment, and communities.


In a world that is meant to be united, there are still too many detached societies. We will work to be a bridge, connecting resources, skills and most importantly people with each other. By doing this, we will encourage a global community seeking the growth and well being of all.


We seek transformation for the giver and receiver. The giver transitions from a mindset of charitable aid to a more lasting model of giving that provides sustainability. The receiver transitions from a mindset of dependency to a lifestyle of accountability and lasting resource.


Any change worth having is lasting. That is why the impact within the communities that we partner with must build in a way that is lasting. For us to be the resource and partner that we seek to be we must also build our organization in a way that is sustainable.


All people must feel free to share their thoughts and ideas. As a global organization it is important that we are constantly seeking out people that provide different perspectives and contributions.


What is a micro-loan?

A micro-loan is a small low-interest loan designed as a way to fund the business ideas of developing communities in a sustainable method.

What are the loans for?

There are many capable people in developing countries with the gifts and ideas to create sustainable life in their communities. Many times what is lacking are the resources to see these dreams become reality. That is where the loans come in. The loans will work to provide the resource necessary to establish thriving businesses in communities.

Why not traditional charity?

Although traditional charity has immediate value in many situations, in the long term, it hurts communities more than it helps. Traditional charity in many ways thinks too small. It works as a stop-gap, but does not address the deeper issues and solutions that would help in communities. Charitable aid is temporary and many times mired with strings and obligations. Once the aid runs out, it leaves communities filled with people dependent on aid as opposed to people that can be self sufficient.

What makes us different than other organizations offering micro-loans?

Our sustainable model for funding and giving. We aim to not be dependent on the aid of others but ultimately, our goal is self sufficiency. 

How do you choose who gets a loan? 

Through our field partners. Working with them, we have a specific process to identify potential recipients. This process includes an application and a business plan detailing the specific uses of the loan and the repayment plan. 

Will I know who my donation is going to?

Yes you will! You will be fully immersed in the entire story from the very beginning, to years down the road. We desire connection, and want you to be a part of the recipient's life.

Would I receive my money back when the loan is repaid?

No. The value of your contribution is not only in the initial loan that it will provide, but multiplied in the cyclical nature of the loan structure. Once the loan is repaid, that money will be invested back into the community through another viable candidate. The beauty of your gift is that it has the potential to keep giving.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Your donation is tax-deductible. While our 501(c)(3) filing in still in the process of being approved, all donations made before will still be tax-deductible for up to 27 months before our approved 501(c)(3).

What is a field partner? 

A field partner is an individual or organization rooted within our targeted community and is committed to vetting borrowers and administrating the entirety of the loan. 

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