Something I am learning a lot about right now that I have briefly mentioned is this concept of steady growth. This idea that there that doesn’t need to be drastic change to know that The Giving Gifts is growing, That the aspects of The Giving Gifts that have been developed actually need time and space and nurturing to grow and that growth can be kinda uncomfortable. I think part of the reason this is uncomfortable is because it doesn’t always feel exciting…but I guess that’s why its called growing pains.

Over the past month and into the next few weeks my focus is on identify what the next step is in many of the areas you are all familiar with. From the podcast, to discover program opportunities and the research we have started, to Shellebrate, to Creative Tides, to trying to sustain funding, and the ongoing day to day opperations. I want to see this community grow and I also want to make sure that those who are in The Giving Gifts orbit feel included. I sense a need for collaboration and yet find myself leaning into a space of isolation craving control over having answers to questions that may not even need an answer yet.

So day by day, moment by moment, I am learning to trust this process of steady growth. I am learning to give and receive compassion to myself. I am learning how to slow down after years of running and recognizing the power of small, purposeful, steps. Steady growth, day by day, moment by moment.

A little behind the scenes right now: I have some big decisions to make about Shellebrate. Creative Tides is rolling out something that has been in the process for quite some time. I am actively working on many website updates, the biggest one being the giving page. There are nine episodes left to record and put out for season three of The Giving Gifts podcast. There are a handful of opportunities for Discover Programs for 2023!

I realize this update is a little different than others and honestly I wanted to strip this back to basic for a moment to invite you into a consideration. The Giving Gifts community (if you’re getting this email that’s you) is unique in the sense that there is not much commonality in where you are from, what you do, how old you are, etc. This is a pretty diverse community and for that I am so thankful. I am also aware that means that how you will play a role in The Giving Gifts community is different and I think that is beautiful. There are three needs that I have recognized an opportunity to invite others into and as I share those I just want you to consider what stands out to you, how you’re experiencing this invitation, if you made it this far I hope you will stay tuned into not only these words but you’re experience as well!

Current needs & opportunities for steady growth:

  1. Shellebrate: I mentioned that there are some big decisions that need to be made about the next steps for Shellebrate. One thing I am sure of is that Shellebrate has a lot more opportunities to have impact. I would really love to have 3-4 people who would like to meet together (probably virtually) to talk through what’’s next and get some feedback before making some pivotal moves. If you have the gift of scaling, connecting, any experience in printing, wholesale, OR you can connect me someone who does please let me know. If you want to help me set up some readings, at schools, libraries, coffee shops, let me know! I am also interesting in sharing a little of my story & the book process with Jr high, HS, young adults so keep that in mind…its a kiddos book perfect for EVERYONE!

  2. The Giving Gifts Podcast: As I mentioned there is about nine more episodes left of this season. Something I have been noticing is that the shares and listens have gone done over the holidays. I think this is honestly pretty normal and I think it leaves room for growth moving into the spring. Maybe you listen to the podcast every week maybe your an episode or a few behind, I would love to invite you to reconnect and connect with these stories, ESPECIALLY if you find yourself hesitant or unsure because maybe you’re not sure you will agree or connect, I would challenge you to listen anyways. For The Giving Gifts Podcast to continue to have steady growth I want to encourage you to take a small step - maybe its listening, maybe it’s sharing it with someone, maybe it’s letting me know you have something to share and want to be on the podcast!

  3. The Giving Gifts 2022/2023 funding: I mentioned that something I am working on is the website, specifically right now the giving page. Funding is something I am always thinking about and something that The Giving Gifts has challenged since day one. Part of steady growth this year is allowing the areas of sustainable funding to grow and as those areas grow it is evident that there is still a need for regular, stable support. Regular and stable are two words that I personally have had a hard time associating with funding however I am truly committed to shifting that perspective and in a time where the world feels a little more fragile I want to invite you into that consideration with me. Check this out:

    2022 Funding goal: $32,000

    2022 Actual funding: $26,000

    10 individuals give a gift monthly

    I want to share this and be open about this because I think it’s really important when we talk about steady growth that we recognize that growth does not always mean things work out exactly the way we planned. Steady growth does mean that we continue to adapt to what is in front of us and slowly and surely we continue to move. 2022 we may not have reached the funding goal, however all the needs that needed to be met were indeed met and we saw a ton of opportunity come from each and every resource.

Our 2023 funding goals are going to be a little bit different this year and as those are developed I just want to invite you into the immediate need for January. With five days left in this month and a $2400 funding goal we are about $1850 short of that. Normally I would be freaking out but as I write this I know that the needs that are there will be met, it may not be exactly how I imagine that to be, so as I put my foot forward one tiny baby step at a time I want to invite you into this time of growing with me.

More importantly than anything I just want to remind you that I am truly so thankful to be pacing alongside this global community. Sometimes when I find myself getting overwhelmed I take a step back and remember just how far this community has come in one year and what an insane and incredible gift to wake up every day with an opportunity to learn how to care, challenge, love, and seek to be light in this weird world. Very very very very thankful.


