What started as a literal dream is now a reality!
I had a dream that I was sitting with a kiddo and we were reading a book and in my dream I knew that I had written the book. When I woke up I had all of the images so clearly in my mind, I could even see a lot of the words on the pages so I began to write..
SHELLEBRATE is written, edited, illustrated, designed, and ready to print.
This will be a 24-page, 8.5x8.5, full-color book available in both hardcover & paperback (for the classroom copies.)
When factoring in illustration, design, and getting this FIRST ROUND printed the presale goal is 500 COPIES! To do that, I need your help. This campaign is for ONE MONTH so don’t stall, GET a copy, GIVE a copy, and SHARE with literally everyone you know right away!!!!
The Gift of Guadalupe
When I say this book is beautiful it really is such a huge understatement. Guadalupe not only took my dream and turned into a reality, they brought life to every character, every page, every detail. I honestly can not wait until you get to have this MASTERPIECE in your hands!
It was really important to me that Guadalupes gift and story really come through these pages and this book. In every book you will find Guadalupes story and have an opportunity to learn more about Guadalupe as an artist, an advocate, an inspiration and a world changer!
The Gift of Impact
100% of the profits (after the book's cost) will go directly to creating opportunities for young people worldwide to identify their own gifts! The Giving Gifts currently has plans for four DISCOVER programs in early 2023 and Shellebrate could actually fully fund these programs!!!!
Shellebrate is a story that will invite kids (and really anyone reading) into a world where you are shellebrated just as you are! The hope is get Shellebrate in every home, classroom, library, country, continent…you get it!
The Giving Gifts is partnering with Title One School through our gifting options!
The MORE copies we can print at once, the MORE global impact we can make!