when you love what you do with amin hostile
Meet amin
When I moved to Ensenada something I was quickly encouraged by was the local small business community. So many really incredible people creating incredible things. I had heard about Amin and hostile burgers for quite awhile before I actually got to go and the first time I went I immediately know that this guy had a special gift and story that I was eager to hear. To be honest I kinda held back a lot of the questions i had because I really wanted to capture learning about him and his story on this podcast.
“You have to learn how to do what you love because you love it.”
Let me try to paint this picture for you…imagine a cute little plaza with restaurants, coffee shops, some occasional destiny child playing and a casual mariachi band that walks through. In the heart of the plaza you will find amin and hostile burger. A small corner shop with a wrap around bar and seating for maybe 7 to 9 people. From floor to ceiling their is inanely incredible art. The lighting is cool, the bar is cool, its like an explosion of creativity from the sauces, to the burgers, to the clothes and shoes and art amin creates. It was only appropriate to record in the space it all takes a place. This story is just the surface of an incredible masterpiece that is Amin…
The hope & vision for The Giving Gifts podcast is that through sharing real stories, from real people, who are navigating how to use their gifts in this world it will spur on conversations and encourage you to identify your gift, navigate how to use your gift, and find courage to share your own story!
Think about how you spend the majority of your time…is that reflective of what is most important to you?
How can you create space in your life to pursue passion, creativity, hobbies?
What is keeping you from fully embracing who you are and what your gift is?