I remember the day last May when I had just finished the outline of Shellebrate. Not only could I visualize the actual book I immediately had images of kids, teenagers, adults, parents, teachers, families from all over the world reading and connecting with the words, the images, and of course the multiple layers of story you find within the book itself. The list of possibilities for Shellebrate was so long…I could imagine multiple volumes, a water color activity book, stickers, reading guides, and events. I could see the book in classrooms, in hospitals, on coffee tables, in libraries, and of course in the hands of humans all over the world. At some point in the last few months I stopped imaging. It might have been at the realization that Amazon is actually taking over the whole world…or maybe I stopped imaging after the millions of calls with printing companies and yet I still haven’t found a good fit. I think somewhere in the midst of the land of logistics I forgot about the importance of creating space to imagine.
About a month ago I had another dream where I could very clearly see myself sharing Shellebrate with a group of people. Since that first dream, I have had a very similar dream a few times now.. In every dream I am holding Shellebrate and I am sharing it with teenagers. Sometimes it appears I am in a classroom of sorts, a couple times it has been larger groups of teenagers, and few times it was with teenagers in juvenile delinquent facilities. In the dream I begin with sharing a bit about my own story, how when I was a teenager I was often reminded that I was not good enough…I struggled with school, I struggled with teachers, I struggled with knowing who I was aside from the long record that followed me and labeled me and told me that I was a product of ‘bad” behavior and how life began to shift when I recognized that I was not created to be a burden in this world, I was created to be “Shellebrated” and to “Shellebrate” others.
Shellebrate is so much more than just a children’s book. Shellebrate has and will continue to be a catalyst to knowing that no matter who you are, where you are from, how old you you are, you matter in this world. It has become very clear that the first print of 500 copies of Shellebrate is simply the beginning of the impact that this book will have. Along with the Shellebrate website getting a little refresher I wanted to give you the insider perspective on the simplifications and ask that you continue to imagine with me.