This weekend will be our third cleanup here in Ensenada, and I'm so excited to incorporate a few additional elements. The theme for this cleanup is 'staying grounded.' One aspect that's been particularly important to me in embarking on these cleanup initiatives is fostering an environment where people feel not only welcome but also encouraged to explore their varied experiences.
For instance, when I'm at the beach participating in a cleanup, I often find myself undergoing a lot of emotions simultaneously. I may feel grateful for the opportunity to be there while also feeling overwhelmed by the amount of debris present. I might experience a sense of connection with the world around me yet feel solitary in my thoughts. And amidst it all, I oscillate between feeling purposeful and questioning the impact of my actions.
In reality, the range of emotions we encounter as humans can indeed be overwhelming, given the complexities of the world we are living in. Practicing 'staying grounded' allows for creating space to acknowledge, process, and embrace this full spectrum of emotions because each of them holds significance.
I thought it might be fun to share a few of the aspects we're integrating so that even if you're unable to join us for this cleanup, you can engage in these practices wherever you are in the world.
Setting a Perimeter and Breathing Activity
As we go through our cleanup, we set a defined perimeter to focus on the area directly in front of us. While the task may seem daunting with the endless amount of debris, the essence lies in taking that first step. This month our perimeter will be marked by signs that walk you through a breathing activity. Breathing is one of the coolest tools we have as humans. Everybody is different, meaning some people respond better to different relaxation skills, some people love breathing activities, some people feel a big impact from guided meditation or prayer - and sometimes, those skills don’t feel as helpful or impactful. this month, the breathing technique we are offering is called "wave breathing." This is a breathing technique that produces a wave-like pattern and can be helpful in stabilizing the breath and mind.
Sharing Experiences with Mental Health
Towards the end of our time cleaning, we're going to have a few individuals share their personal journeys with mental health. They'll share how various different activities have woven into their daily routines contributing to their mental well-being. The hope is to create a space that feels safe to take down some of barriers surrounding discussions about mental health. It’s just so important we keep listening to one another and learning to share as well.
Recycled Shell Bracelet Activity
Throughout the cleanup, an engaging activity awaits those anyone who wants to partake: crafting bracelets from recycled flat shell beads. Each color carries its own significance, although participants are also encouraged to infuse their creations with personal meanings if they would like to. The hope for this activity will be to take the reminder with you that your experience, your story, your thoughts, feelings, impact matters!
Im really looking forward to experiencing this cleanup on Saturday and hopeful that what is happening here will also encourage you wherever you are! As always, I’d love to hear if there is anything The Giving Gifts can do or share to come alongside you and your own community.